Monday 18 June 2012

Crossing into Canada

The Rockies are at their narrowest at Glacier National Park; about 35 miles wide. This meant travelling east of the Rockies across the great plain to get to Banff. We experienced the crossest crosswinds ever, with incredible gusts blasting us across the road and then into the gutter, quite scary and very tiring, we even had to slow down a bit! Strangely we saw more bikes today than any time this holiday, mostly Harleys which didn't seem to be affected by the crosswinds but then I suppose slow moving tractors wouldn't be. Crossing the border into Canada didn't take too long although they did cross examine us about a few things and then proceeded to give us tourist advice on where to go. They weren't bothered about the bike, insurance or anything like that. However, they did make the RV in front unload all his firewood and put it in a special container as a Dutch Elm disease prevention.

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